The Positive Behaviour Strategy Team

At St Mary’s, we aim to embrace a multi-cultural society into our school community, placing value on everyone’s life experience.  The Positive Behaviour Strategy Team, has been established with the sole purpose of promoting, and prioritising students’ needs, identifying and selecting strategies that best support student wellbeing, with the objective of creating a positive school environment that supplies individual and group support. The Positive Behaviour Strategies Team encourage you to see behaviour as a form of communication. The objective is the promotion of a positive learning zone, responding in a positive manner rather than reactive.  All behaviour can be understood as a reflection of student needs. The team aids teachers in prioritising student’s learning needs, selecting strategies that promote student wellbeing as they settle into the school environment.

Benefits of a Positive Behaviour Strategy Approach

The benefits include students taking ownership of their learning experience and cultivating positive relationships, which result in higher/realistic expectations, effective feedback, differentiation, and varied methodologies

The Behaviour support model

Research highlights that when school-wide Level 1 supports are provided to all students approximately 80% to 90% of students will require little, if any, additional support to follow the school expectations and demonstrate appropriate social behaviours. A small percentage of students may need additional or targeted level 2 support. In rare occasions more intensive level 3 supports are available to assist individuals to be successful in their learning.

Level One: School – wide behaviour support designed for all students.

Level Two: Targeted interventions for groups of students.

Level Three: Intensive interventions for a small number of students